Josh Blackbird is a rock’n’roll induced singer/songwriter from 58089 Hagen, Germany. For a good story to be told you don’t need a dozen fancy chords – that he learned from great american storytellers like Tom Petty, Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young, and Mike Ness of Social Distortion. Pair that with his honest admiration for a well-written punk anthem and you get the picture.
Sure, it wouldn’t need more than an acoustic guitar and his voice to deliver the message. Some cowboy chords and a fistful of wet dreams is all it takes. But as those guys did, Josh found himself a reliable gang of local musicians to give these songs what they deserve. Enter the Blackbirds: Drums, bass, electric and acoustic guitar, organ and rhodes piano – the setup is classic, and it is so for a reason.
It’s a sound you heard on countless of your favorite records – but it’s a sound you rarely hear these days. Five guys playing together in the same room, pushing and pulling, making the song come alive and giving the lyrics room to breathe. Think vibe and feel rather than grid and pitch-perfect. This is handmade and crafted with passion.
Josh never wanted to do anything else but music (okay, we skipped the soccer part as that’s too cliche). He knows what it’s like to live from next to nothing, but he never surrendered. Hope and disillusion, anger and excitement – they all meet right at his doorstep. It’s a low life he leads and it’s exactly that he sings about. Oh, and girls, of course. The best songs always have been about love and broken hearts, right?
Josh „Blackbird“ Huff – Vocals, acoustic and electric guitar
Jan „Brenna“ Kölpin – Drums and vocals
Christopher „Heimi“ Heimer – Electric guitar
Jan Kristian „Tini“ Brühne – Rhodes and organ
Sebastian Eichhorn – Electric bass
Wolfenbüttel, Vita-Villa

from the „Cowboy Chords“ cover photo session / © Sandra Berens